Sunday, August 31, 2014

Statement by the Freedom and Rights Committee of the ERC on the arrest of the witness on the Military Coup massacre

The Freedom and Rights Committee is strongly condemning the unprecedented criminal act that has been committed by the ministry of interior of the coup government, which is the unlawful arbitrary detention of Mr Mohamed Tarek who was one of the witnesses and whose testimony was part of the Human Rights Watch report about the Massacres committed by the Coup’s security forces, and by the order of the head of the coup Abdel Fattah El Sisy .

The Security Forces broke into his home and destroyed its contents and claimed, unlike the truth, that he was arrested while participating in a demonstration in the area of Moharam Bekh, Alexandria and was possessing publications.

The committee also strongly condemns the statements made by one of the security officials on the website of Al Masry El Youm journal, stating that Mr. Tarek was being put under investigation for contributing to a false testimony in the Human Rights report.

The committee reaffirms that what has been carried out by those forces against the victim is a full-scale crime through the infringement of a political activist for nothing but for testifying truthfully against a terrifying massacre that has not yet undergone unbiased investigation as well as not being responded to or reacted to the requests that had been presented by Egyptian human rights organizations  in addition to the National Council of Human Rights and International Human Rights Organizations. 

We hereby call for the immediate release of Mr. Mohamed Tarek and the arrest of the real criminals who committed the massacres against humanity as described by the human rights report, in Rabaa and Nahda instead of arresting the witnesses.

Haytham Abou Khalil
Head of Freedom and Rights Committee 
The Egyptian Revolutionary Council 
August 30th, 2014

Media Contact;

Mohamed Sherif Kamel;
Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC)
Democracy -Constitutionalism- Civil State

Saturday, August 30, 2014

بيان من لجنة الحقوق والحريات بالمجلس الثوري المصري

#بيان من لجنة الحقوق والحريات بالمجلس الثوري المصري

تستنكر بشدة لجنة الحقوق والحريات بالمجلس الثوري المصري الخطوة الإجرامية الغير مسبوقة التي قامت بها وزارة الداخلية لحكومة الانقلاب من اعتقال الأستاذ/ محمد طارق أحد الشهود الذين تضمنهم تقرير هيومان رايتس ووتش .. وتحطيم محتويات منزله والادعاء على خلاف الحقيقة أنه تم اعتقاله أثناء مشاركته في مظاهرة بمنطقة محرم بك بالأسكندرية وفي حوزته منشورات .. كذلك ندين بشدة تصريحات أحد المسئولين الأمنيين في موقع جريدة المصري اليوم بأن الأستاذ/ محمد طارق سيخضع للتحقيق لمشاركته في الشهادة الكاذبة في تقرير هيومان رايتس ووتش .. ! وتؤكد اللجنة أن ما حدث جريمة مكتملة الأركان في التعدي على ناشط سياسي فقط من أجل أنه أدلى بشهادة حق في مجزرة مروعة لم يتم التحقيق فيها للآن ولم يتم الرد فيها أو الاستجابة لكافة الطلبات التي تقدمت بها المنظمات الحقوقية المصرية ومنها المجلس القومي لحقوق الإنسان وكذلك المنظمات الحقوقية الدولية ونطالب فوراً بالإفراج عن الأستاذ/ محمد طارق والقبض على المجرمين مرتكبي مجازر رابعة والنهضة وغيرها بدلا من القبض على شهود المجازر .

هيثم أبو خليل رئيس لجنة الحقوق والحريات المجلس الثوري المصري 30 أغسطس 2014

إنصافا لأحمد سيف الإسلام

إنصافا لأحمد سيف الإسلام..وردا على اللى بيقولوا انه ماأدانش المذابح وماتكلمش وماعترضش ضد العسكر إلا لما ابنه اتحبس:
1- أحمد سيف الإسلام كان ضد 30 يونيو من قبلها وقال ان 30 يونيو معناه الإنقلاب على أول رئيس مدنى منتخب..وانه لو نجح 30 يونيو هانبقى كلنا ألعوبة فى ايد العسكر وهايبقى الدكتور مرسي آخر رئيس مدني منتخب..
"30 يونيو إنقلاب وعمره ما كان ثورة"
2- بتاريخ 7 أغسطس 2013..قبل فض الإعتصامات:
"فيما أكد احمد سيف الاسلام الناشط الحقوقى ومدير مركز هشام مبارك للقانون أن استخدام القوة المفرطة ضد المتظاهرين او المعتصمين من ابناء جماعة الاخوان المسلمين مرفوض تماماً , مؤكداً ان استخدام القوات المسلحة فى صراع سياسى وعسكرى ضد المدنيين من القوى السياسة جريمة انسانية فى حق الشعب المصرى كله .
وأضاف سيف الأسلام أن الحكومة والنظام الحالى يتحمل المسئولية كاملة عن حالة الاحتقان السياسى التى يعانى منها الشارع المصرى الان , بالأضافة الى حالة انحدار مستوى السلم الاجتماعى والشعور بالامان لدى المواطن المصرى خاصة فى عدد من المحافظات التى تنتشر بها الأعمال الارهابية والتى سوف تزداد بشكل كبير فى حال الدخول فى مواجهة مباشرة مع اعضاء جماعة الاخوان المسلمين وفض اعتصامهم بالقوة .
وتابع سيف الاسلام أن الدخول الان فى عنف مباشر مع المعتصمين من انصار الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسى سوف يؤدى بالبلاد الى دائرة مفرغة من العنف والعنف المضاد بين السلطات والاجهزة الامنية وبين القوى السياسية المطالبة بعودة الرئيس المعزول وهو ما قد يؤدى بمصر الى حرب اهلية وفوضى شاملة خلال الأعوام المقبلة كلها..."
3- "اعتبار الإخوان جماعة إرهابية هلاوس"
4- " ما يعانيه ابني لا يمثل ذرة مما يعانيه الإسلاميون"
5- "مرسي تعرض لمؤامرة"
علاء قال بقى..علاء ماقالش..هو مالوش دعوة..

Friday, August 29, 2014

Long live Egypt

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Convergence des mouvements sociaux: un appel à l’action

Statement refuse the Military Coup and the Military ruling
The Poeple Social Forum, Canada

Convergence des mouvements sociaux: un appel à l’action

L’appel suivant a été présenté à l’Assemblée des mouvements sociaux du Forum social des peuples, le 24 août 2014. Il a été mis à jour en tenant compte des interventions de l’Assemblée.
Nous avons participé au Forum social des peuples car il est urgent de freiner les attaques à la démocratie, de libérer nos sociétés du capitalisme néolibéral, de l’impérialisme, du patriarcat, du colonialisme, du racisme, de l’hétérosexisme, du cissexisme, du pouvoir des grandes entreprises sur les peuples. Le processus du Forum social des peuples nous a permis d’intensifier une convergence d’une diversité sans précédent entre nos mouvements.
Le mouvement social unifié et inédit que nous construisons est plus nécessaire que jamais pour travailler ensemble afin de contrer les attaques sauvages du gouvernement fédéral actuel et des élites dominantes envers nos droits collectifs et individuels, nos emplois, nos retraites, nos services publics, notre environnement, envers les personnes immigrantes, les pauvres et les personnes racisées, et ultimement, envers notre avenir et celui des générations futures.
Nous ne voulons pas d’un État qui soutient les minières canadiennes ici et à l’étranger. Un État qui bafoue les droits du peuple palestinien en appuyant le régime israélien d’Apartheid, malgré les nombreuses résolutions internationales. Nous ne voulons pas d’un État qui soutient des régimes militaires, des coups d’État et accepte la détention de prisonniers politiques. Nous ne voulons pas d’un État qui oppresse les premiers peuples. Nous ne voulons pas d’un État en militarisation croissante et qui criminalise la dissidence.
Au cours de ce forum social, nous avons partagé les germes d’une autrevision de la société, basée sur la justice sociale et environnementale, l’autodétermination des premiers peuples, les droits humains, la démocratie, l’égalité entre les personnes et entre les peuples, l’inclusion de toutes les générations, la diversité sexuelle, la solidarité, un nouveau paradigme économique au service des personnes, et non l’inverse.
Nous voulons une société qui lutte contre les inégalités entre les riches et les pauvres, les hommes et les femmes, les blancs et les personnes racisées. Nous voulons un système électoral réellement démocratique. Nous voulons défendre et élargir nos services publics et nos programmes sociaux dans la perspective de respecter les droits sociaux, économiques et culturels. Il est temps de donner des droits à la Terre-mère et de freiner l’exploitation et le développement des hydrocarbures.
Nous voulons que les personnes passent devant les profits. Pour ce, il nous faut de meilleures législations, un tribunal international qui permette de poursuivre les entreprises qui violent les droits humains et l’environnement, ainsi que l’annulation des clauses qui permettent aux investisseurs de poursuivre les États dans les accords de libre-échange.
Nous savons l’importance de porter un autre modèle de société haut et fort. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de s’opposer aux Conservateurs, notre mouvement doit aller au-delà de cette échéance électorale car il s’agit aussi de reprendre le contrôle de notre avenir collectif.
Cependant, à court terme, nous devons propulser l’actuelle convergence des mouvements sociaux vers un rôle actif, non-partisan, et mener une campagne combattive contre les conservateurs. Tant que les conservateurs nous imposeront leur conception de la société et du monde, nous ne pourrons protéger nos droits et l’environnement et nous ne pourrons mener un débat ouvert sur ce que serait une société juste, viable et respectueuse des peuples qui la composent. Tous les partis politiques doivent sentir la pression d’un mouvement social organisé.
Nous nous engageons à maintenir des liens vivants et durables à travers les structures que nous lègue ce forum social des peuples (caucus, commissions régionales, réseaux créés à l’occasion des ateliers et des assemblées de convergences). Le feu qui nous habite au sortir de cette rencontre doit perdurer !
Les systèmes d’oppression et de domination sont intimement imbriqués et c’est pourquoi il faut tous les combattre. Chaque attaque contre l’un de nos mouvements est donc une attaque contre nous tou.te.s et affaiblit le mouvement dans son ensemble. Nous avons la responsabilité de combattre l’oppression dans nos mouvements, et d’être solidaire des personnes qui sont aux marges de nos combats. Nous avons aussi la responsabilité de travailler ensemble pour exprimer notre solidarité envers les autres peuples de la Terre. Nous devons reconnaitre dans nos mouvements la réalité du colonialisme canadien qui fait des premiers peuples une composante du mouvement pas comme les autres.
Ce forum nous a nourri d’espoir quand à notre capacité à dépasser nos limites et, ensemble, vaincre. Nous sommes unis politiquement et serons en action partout où nous sommes sur le territoire. Nous appelons à des manifestations partout au pays, des actions et des réactions concertées de la part des divers mouvements aux attaques conservatrices. Nous devons riposter de façon créative et massive. Ils doivent comprendre que nous ne nous ne les laisserons plus faire sans réagir. Ils doivent sentir le poids de notre convergence !
Nous devons démontrer qu’un autre projet pour notre société est non seulement possible, mais nécessaire. Les conclusions du FSP sont une responsabilité collective. Cet urgent appel à la convergence des mouvements sociaux s’incarne dans l’action. Les solutions nous appartiennent, organisations et individus. Le changement que nous souhaitons est notre responsabilité. L’ampleur de ce changement dépend de notre implication !
Notre appel est large et s’adresse à toute la population et aux autres mouvements, un appel à travailler ensemble pour battre les conservateurs. Un appel à travailler à la défaite du conservatisme et du capitalisme néolibéral. Un appel à rebâtir une démocratie saine et à penser un autre système, non pas basé sur l’oppression et l’exploitation, mais sur une économie de la vie et du bien-être des personnes et de la Terre.

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council

The ERC is an organization that has brought together Egyptian citizens and movements abroad, irrespective of their political or ideological affiliations. We share in common, a belief in the principles of the January 25th Revolution, and work towards achieving its aims. We oppose all aspects of corruption and dictatorship in Egypt. We oppose the military coup and all that ensued from it, and we refuse the interference of the military in political life. We believe in constitutional legitimacy and work for the establishment of a civil sate that reflects the will of the Egyptian people and their freedom in choosing their government.

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council was launched on August 8th 2014, one year after a military coup aborted Egypt’s nascent democracy, and kidnapped its first freely and fairly elected President, Dr Mohammed Morsi.
We believe it is incumbent upon us, as Egyptians across the world, to unite under a single umbrella in order to expose and stand up to the crimes of Sisi’s military regime, as well as to work together to support the resistance inside Egypt to achieve the goals of the January 25th Revolution for Bread, Freedom, Social Justice and Human Dignity.

The ERC is a broad platform that represents different political currents and invites all Egyptians, irrespective of their political views, to work together to bring to an end the military regime, and to work to establish a democratic and civil state that upholds the rule of law and respects human rights.
We believe in working together for the political and economic prosperity of the Egyptian people. A prosperity that cannot be achieved under the kind of dictatorship, tyranny and corruption that manifests itself through the current regime in Egypt.

The Current Situation
In its year in power, the coup regime has been responsible for the murder of thousands of peaceful citizens and the imprisonment of over 40,000 dissidents. According to the HRW, the worst massacre in the modern history of Egypt in Rab’a, was premeditated and the plans and orders came from the highest levels of the state, from the current  Head of State president Sisi, his Interior minister, and other high level officials.
The military regime and its security services have committed other massacres with impunity over the past year. As documented by western human rights organisations, the Sisi regime systematically and intentionally murders peaceful protestors, tortures prisoners and rapes women and children.

Our Position
The ERC rejects a regime that has divided the Egyptian people, that seeks to justify the incarceration and murder of political dissidents and encourages sectarianism.
We believe in an Egypt for all its citizens without discrimination. We believe in an Egypt for all its citizens without discrimination that has a reformed and independent judiciary, not one that is the tool of the state, as evidenced by the sentencing of thousands of dissidents to death in minutes, without due process. We believe in an Egypt where the military serves its role as a defence force, and not as the de facto ruler, as it has done since 1952, nor where it is major economic institution in its own right, that controls over a quarter of the economy. We believe that endemic corruption at every level has hindered the economic prosperity of Egypt and resulted in an inequitable transfer of wealth from the state to a very small elite that controls the country’s institutions. We therefore believe that the corrupt state institutions need to be reformed root and branch. We believe Egyptian citizens deserve a better health, education and social security system that is not bled by the corrupt syphoning of resources to a klyptocratic elite We believe all of Egypt’s citizens deserve democracy. We believe all of Egypt’s citizens have the right to political participation and to demand accountability from their government.

Our Operating Model
Through each office and member of the ERC we intend to be the ambassadors and voice of free Egyptians and to echo the voice of the resistance inside Egypt which refuses to accept dictatorship and tyranny.
The ECR will be working to combat the coup regime through the following offices:
1. The Political and Diplomatic Bureau
2. The Human Rights Bureau
3. The Legal Bureau
4. The Media and Information Bureau

Each office will through its own expertise work to combat and expose the military regime in Egypt. Each will work to build bridges with governments, policy makers, parliamentarians, civil society and the public across the world in order to create awareness of the extreme dangers of the current coup regime to security and stability in Egypt and beyond; to demand a change in policy towards a tyrannical regime and an end to political and military aid to it.

In addition, the ECR will pursue all channels to ensure that the perpetrators of crimes against civilians deemed to be crimes against humanity are brought to justice through international law, as well as document all crimes against civilians as a resource for a future prosecution of the perpetrators in Egyptian courts, once democracy is restored.

The ECR will seek to galvanize support among Egyptians living abroad (a broad base, among whom are educated professionals who are well established in, and contributors to their host communities) and seek to coordinate their activities and efforts in opposing the dictatorship in Egypt.

Finally, the ECR will set out an alternative political and economic vision for Egypt›s future built on consensus and thorough studies with all political forces inside and outside Egypt who believe in a civil state, democracy and the end of the military›s interference in politics.
This will ensure that there is an orderly transfer to a democratic society once the army’s hold on power is broken.


We will not give up our struggle for freedom and justice in Egypt, and we call on all those who believe in the values of democracy and justice to stand with us and take all necessary political, diplomatic and economic action to condemn and isolate a dangerous dictatorship that kills its own citizens and threatens regional stability and security.

Mohamed Sherif Kamel;
Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC)
Democracy -Constitutionalism- Civil State
Could be reach at:


بيان من المجلس الثوري المصري

بيان من المجلس الثوري المصري 

25 أغسطس 2014

وردت إلى المجلس الثوري المصري عدة تساؤلات تتعلق بموقفه من الشرعيه، و لذلك نود أن نوضح للجميع أن الموقف المتفق عليه، طبقا للببان التأسيسي للمجلس  يمكن الاستدلال عليه من واقع العبالرات التالية الواردة في البيان الصادر في 8 أغسطس 2014:

-"إن "المجلس الثوريّ المصريّ ": هو كيانٌ للقوى والأفرادِ المصريين في الخارجِ ، على اختلافِ اتجاهاتهم السياسيةِ وانتماءاتهم الفكرية، المتمسكينَ بمبادئِ ثورةِ 25 يناير، والعاملينَ على تحقيقِ أهدافها، والمناهضينَ لكلِّ صورِ الفسادِ والاستبدادِ والانقلابِ العسكريِّ وما ترتبَ عليهِ، والرافضينَ لتدخلِ المؤسسةِ العسكريةِ في السياسة، والمؤمنينَ بالشرعيةِ الدستوريةِ، والمتطلعينَ لتأسيسِ دولةٍ مدنيةٍ، تعبيرًا عن إرادةِ الشعبِ وحريتهِ في اختيارِ من يحكمهُ".

- "مؤكدين إصرار الشعب المصري على الحصول على الحرية والكرامة والعدالة متمسكا بحقه الأصيل في اختيار حكامه تعبيرا عن إرادته الشعبية الحرة".

-"كما نؤكد على احترام الإرادة الشعبية والشرعية بعد ثورة 25 يناير وقبل وقوع الإنقلاب، وأن الشرعية الثورية ستكون هي المرجعية الأولى لكافة السياسات والإجراءات التي ستتخذ بعد سقوط الإنقلاب ضد قوى الثورة المضادة".

 و من واقع هذه العبارات الواضحة، و إيمانا منا بأن المجلس ما نشأ إلا ليعبر بوضوح عن إرادة من يقاومون الإنقلاب على الأرض داخل الوطن، و يضحون بالغالي و النفيس منذ أكثر من عام، و يقدم كذلك كل ما يستطيعه من جهد لدعم هذا الحراك الشعبي المستمر، فإن الموقف الواضح للمجلس الذي تأسس ليكرسه، يمكن تلخيصه فيما يلي:

يؤكد المجلس الثوري  على ان رفضه الانقلاب وما ترتب عليه ما هو إلا مبدأ ثابت يتضمن قناعتنا الكاملة  أن الرئيس محمد مرسي هو الرئيس الشرعي للبلاد، وأن عودته عقب اسقاط الانقلاب هي الخطوة الأولى لاستعادة الشرعية، و كسر الانقلاب. وكذلك ان دستور 2012 هو الدستور الذي اعتمده الشعب بإرادته الحرة. .
أما بالنسبة  لإجراءات الشرعية الثورية بعد سقوط الإنقلاب، فهي بيد الشعب المصري دون غيره، الذي لا يجب أن يكون لأية جهة وصاية أو فرض  للرأي عليه. ومن حق الشعب المصري ان يعدل دستور ٢٠١٢، نتيجه تجربه الانقلاب ، كجزء من حقه في ان يحكم نفسه. 

عاش كفاح الشعب المصري، عاشت الثورة المصرية، وحفظ الله مصر وشعبها وثورتها

 محمد شريف كامل
المتحدث الرسمي باسم المجلس الثوري المصري
ديمقراطية- دولة مدنية-دستورية



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) will be present in the Peoples' Social Form in a workshop to discuss People Rights Vs Military Dictatorship

The Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) will be present in the Peoples' Social Form in a workshop to discuss People Rights Vs Military Dictatorship

What Arab spring brought to Egypt? Is it Democracy or Military Coup?
Friday August 22 at 2:45 p.m. at the University of Ottawa LMX Room 121

Our guest speakers will be:

Roger Annis, writer and antiwar activist in Vancouver. He has written extensively on events in Egypt during the past year for such publications as Truthout, and website 'A Socialist in Canada'.

Ovide Bastien: Author and educator. Lived in Chile through the dark years of General Pinochet. Presently managing on a volunteer basis North South Studies development projects in Nicaragua. Recently, published an ebook version of Chili: le coup divin and of Chile: Underside of Economic

Mohamed S. Kamel: Freelance writer, editor of, co-founder, member of the executive committee and spokesperson of The Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC), co-founder of the Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD-CECD). He is also member of several civil society organizations, among them Quebec Antiwar movement “Échec à la Guerre”, and Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP). Professionally, he is an engineer, LEED Green Associate and certified project manager. and @mskamel 

Background Information

On June 30 2013, exactly one year after Mohamed Morsi was democratically elected as president, large numbers of disenchanted people gathered in Tahrir square demanding the departure of Morsi. Three days later, General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, at the head of the armed forces forcefully deposed Morsi under the pretext of responding to ‘the call of the people’.
Since then, a brutal wide spread repression has gripped Egypt following a campaign to eliminate all opposition culminating in the massacres of Rabaa and Al-Nahda squares where supporters of Mohamed Morsi were camping (Aug14 2013). Canada and the West are turning a blind eye with the often mentioned excuse that better achieve ‘stability’ under a military dictatorship.
During this session, we will probe the issue of human rights versus ‘stability’. What have we learned from a similar situation; the coup of General Pinochet in Chile (1973)
Should we, in Canada be concerned? If so, what should our government do? What about our civil society?

We request That the government of Canada:
Ø  Demand the immediate and unconditional release of journalist Mohamed Fahmy, and Khaled Al-Qazzaz, permanent resident, father of four young Canadian daughters.
Ø  Demand an independent investigation in the shooting of Amr Mohamed Kassem, permanent resident, father of an infant Canadian daughter, killed during a peaceful protest in Alexandria.
Ø  Grant a special passport (diplomatic status) to Canadian journalists covering events in Egypt.
Ø  Refrain from selling armament and or ammunition to the Egyptian police or army.
Ø  Bar Egyptian officials implicated in killing protesters or human right abuses (according to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International) from entry.
Ø  Monitor closely the human rights situation in Egypt and denounce abuses in accordance with international treaties signed by Canada.
Ø  Appoint a liaison person with Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy for consultations

Join us in our struggle against the military dictatorship in Egypt.

Show your solidarity with Egyptians against the coup

About ECCDEgyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy (ECCD) is a politically independent, non-affiliated pan Canadian organization with chapters in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Kingston, and St. John, which advocates for democracy and human rights in Egypt.

Egyptian Canadian Coalition for Democracy 

For more information,
Samaa Elibyari

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council’s (ERC) spokesperson’s comments on the memorial of the massacre of ‘Rabaa’ that took place on August 14th, 2013

The Egyptian Revolutionary Council’s (ERC) spokesperson’s comments on the memorial of the massacre of ‘Rabaa’ that took place on August 14th, 2013.

August 14th, 2014
With the memorial of the massacres of Rabaa and Elnahda on August 14t, 2013, a memorial that renews the memory of pain for the loss of women, children and men who were killed intentionally with premeditation in the hands of treachery and betrayal.
On this day, our people raise the flags of sorrow for the victims of the massacres of Rabaa and Elnahda, and subsequent barbaric crimes of the fascist regime, which has claimed the lives of thousands of martyrs and left behind thousands of wounded, and humiliated daily its detainees. The banners of sadness will not distract us from the banners of dignity to ensure the continuation of the struggle of our people to regain their revolution.
We call upon our fellow members of the Egyptian Army and the honorable individuals of the Egyptian police to refrain from firing on their brothers and sisters demonstrating peacefully, who go out every day to express their desire to achieve the goals of the revolution of living in freedom and social justice and human dignity.
We appeal to the international community not to abandon the Egyptian people and to monitor the situation and to testify on the continuing terrorism and fascism of the coup, killing Egyptians, as done on August 14th, 2013, and as confirmed by the report issued yesterday by the Human Rights Watch.

Our battle with the fascist coup is not a power struggle, but is the battle of the Egyptian people as a whole. It is even a battle of all peoples of the world to preserve freedom and human rights, which have been violated since the Military Coup that took place on July 3rd, 2013.

The continuous demonstrations of our people for a whole year, despite the murder and oppression, is a proof that our people insist on bringing down the terrorist fascist coup, and return our beloved Egypt to the path of democracy and the establishment of a constitutional, civil state.

Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people.  Long live the Egyptian revolution, the glory for the martyrs and the injured.

Mohamed Sherif Kamel;
Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC)
Democracy -Constitutionalism- Civil State
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