Saturday, March 23, 2019

The tragedy of Egypt by Prof Ibrahim Hayani

By Prof Ibrahim Hayani

This is the sad, indeed tragic, story of how a truly popular and authentic revolution in Egypt - the leading Arab country which is destined by geography, demography, history, and culture to lead the Arab world - has been aborted and fatally destroyed by the "deep state" from within (Egypt) and the dark anti-democratic forces from without (including certain Gulf states in collaboration with foreign anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-democratic forces).

Had the revolution not been hijacked, the first (albeit short-lived) democratic experiment in Egypt would have had profound impacts not only in Egypt but also throughout the Arab world and beyond.

Military takeovers in the Arab countries have demonstrated the deadly consequences of such sinister and illegitimate military dictatorships. Among other things, military dictatorships have transformed Arab armies into the "protectors" of regimes instead of the protectors of the national integrity of Arab countries and the well-being of the citizens of Arab countries.

The tragic fate of the first democratically elected president in the modern history of Egypt personifies the tragic fate of people, any people, who allow themselves to be ruled by despotic regimes for too long. Those who sacrifice their freedom in the name of security end up having neither freedom nor security.

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